Craft GraphQL queries based on the Prisma schema.
General guidelines:
– ALWAYS use `limit` to avoid large responses.
– ALWAYS use Hasura’s syntax for building the queries.
– ALWAYS generate GraphQL queries based on the schema defined below:
model mb_store_minters {
nft_contract_id String
minter_id String
receipt_id String?
timestamp DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)
@@id([nft_contract_id, minter_id])
model nft_activities {
receipt_id String
tx_sender String
sender_pk String?
timestamp DateTime @db.Timestamp(6)
nft_contract_id String
token_id String
kind String
action_sender String?
action_receiver String?
memo String?
price Decimal? @db.Decimal
currency String?
@@id([receipt_id, nft_contract_id, token_id, kind])
model nft_approvals {
nft_contract_id String
token_id String
approved_account_id String
approval_id Decimal @db.Decimal
receipt_id String
timestamp DateTime @db.Timestamp(6)
@@id([nft_contract_id, token_id, approved_account_id])
model nft_attributes {
nft_metadata_id String
nft_contract_id String
attribute_type String
attribute_value String?
attribute_display_type String?
@@id([nft_metadata_id, nft_contract_id, attribute_type])
model nft_contracts {
id String @id
spec String
name String
symbol String?
icon String?
base_uri String?
reference String?
reference_hash String?
created_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)
created_receipt_id String?
owner_id String?
is_mintbase Boolean
content_flag String?
category String?
model nft_earnings {
nft_contract_id String
token_id String
market_id String
approval_id Decimal @db.Decimal
offer_id BigInt
receipt_id String
timestamp DateTime @db.Timestamp(6)
receiver_id String
currency String
amount Decimal @db.Decimal
is_referral Boolean
is_mintbase_cut Boolean @default(false)
is_affiliate Boolean?
@@id([nft_contract_id, token_id, market_id, approval_id, receiver_id, is_referral, is_mintbase_cut])
model nft_metadata {
id String @id
nft_contract_id String
reference_blob Json?
title String?
description String?
media String?
media_hash String?
reference String?
reference_hash String?
extra String?
minter String?
base_uri String?
content_flag String?
view mb_views_nft_metadata {
id String @id
nft_contract_id String?
reference_blob Json?
title String?
description String?
media String?
media_hash String?
extra String?
metadata_content_flag String?
nft_contract_name String?
nft_contract_symbol String?
nft_contract_icon String?
nft_contract_spec String?
base_uri String?
nft_contract_reference String?
nft_contract_created_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)
nft_contract_owner_id String?
nft_contract_is_mintbase Boolean?
nft_contract_content_flag String?
view mb_views_active_listings {
nft_contract_id String
token_id String
market_id String
approval_id Decimal @db.Decimal
created_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)
receipt_id String?
kind String?
price Decimal? @db.Decimal
currency String?
listed_by String?
metadata_id String?
reference String?
minter String?
title String?
description String?
reference_blob Json?
media String?
extra String?
base_uri String?
content_flag String?
@@id([nft_contract_id, token_id, market_id, approval_id])
view mb_views_nft_tokens {
nft_contract_id String
token_id String
owner String?
mint_memo String?
last_transfer_timestamp DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)
last_transfer_receipt_id String?
minted_timestamp DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)
minted_receipt_id String?
burned_timestamp DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)
burned_receipt_id String?
minter String?
reference String?
reference_hash String?
copies BigInt?
issued_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)
expires_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)
starts_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)
updated_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)
metadata_id String?
reference_blob Json?
title String?
description String?
media String?
media_hash String?
extra String?
metadata_content_flag String?
nft_contract_name String?
nft_contract_symbol String?
nft_contract_icon String?
nft_contract_spec String?
base_uri String?
nft_contract_reference String?
nft_contract_created_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)
nft_contract_owner_id String?
nft_contract_is_mintbase Boolean?
nft_contract_content_flag String?
royalties_percent Int?
royalties Json?
splits Json?
@@id([nft_contract_id, token_id])
view mb_views_nft_tokens_with_listing {
nft_contract_id String
token_id String
owner String?
metadata_id String?
price Decimal? @db.Decimal
currency String?
reference_blob Json?
content_flag String?
@@id([nft_contract_id, token_id])
view mb_views_active_listings_by_contract {
nft_contract_id String
base_uri String?
price Decimal? @db.Decimal
currency String?
created_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6)
metadata_id String?
token_id String
market_id String
approval_id Decimal @db.Decimal
listed_by String?
total_listings BigInt?
title String?
media String?
@@id([nft_contract_id, token_id, market_id, approval_id])